Infinity thinking – a world of possibilities

In this month’s blog our resident Healing Coach, Francesca Garola, Founder of HappyBalancedLife, guides us how to begin our own journey to a world of infinite possibilities.

What are you choosing to see? What are you choosing to hear? What are you choosing to commit to?

“The map is not the territory” has been one of my favourite subjects since I’ve started my new journey and it’s been a true eye-opening tool that can, if I let it, completely change the perspective of a situation, of a person, of a judgment and of life in general. This simple phrase means nothing more than it is the way we choose to interpret a certain set of information. The way is given by our map of the world… by the way our mind has been constructed, by our education, our teachers, our care givers, our friends, our enemies, by hurt and by joy.

Our maps are created little by little through our experiences and through our perception of our experiences. Whatever we experience becomes a meaning and by whatever meaning we choose to give it, becomes a piece of the world puzzle we construct in our minds. We interpret everything we experience through the pieces of the puzzle we have constructed and this puzzle determines how we think, act and react.

Do we ever doubt the accuracy of our maps? How could we? Most of us do not even know that we have our own unique map of the world!

To make it very simple this is how it works… an ACTION brings a REACTION. That reaction (thought, act, judgment, fear, doubt, anger, etc) is personal and unique to each of us and is dependent on our map of the world. This explains how a same action, can be seen in different ways by different people and when someone disagrees with what we see, as a reaction we may think that they are weird or unreasonable.

For most of us, our map of the world becomes the ONLY truth and we tend to protect it like it is the most important thing in the world… just as the Little Prince (by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) was protecting his rose. When conflicting opinions surround us, it can become a cause for extreme anxiety, anger and controlling behaviour.

The map of the world is what constructs our basic mind-set, where an action causes a reaction. Full stop.

What if I told you that by asking a simple question before you decide to give in to your reaction, you could change the whole perspective of what is happening to you?

What if by exploring “What else is possible?” you could shift to an infinite world of possibilities?

What if I told you that within our straight forward reaction are all of our limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, worries, anxieties and insecurities?

What if I told you that as soon as you can get your mind out of the picture, you can get to the energy of a situation and clear the limitations and barriers that keep you from expanding into a world infinite possibilities?

My journey into coaching has taught me to ask these questions:

  • What else is possible here?

  • How can I be more aware here?

  • How many more possibilities are there?

  • What else can I choose that I have not chosen yet?

When you ask yourself the first question, you choose something else than what your mind is suggesting you choose. When you try to look beyond what is, you can see a whole new world of what isn’t and what isn’t yet, can simply become a new perspective.

This is how you shift to infinity thinking. You move from a straight line into a world of beautiful, colourful curves.

Let’s take a very simple example. Action: someone upsets you. Reaction: you get really upset, sad and decide to stop talking to that person.

There. Straight line. One action brings one reaction.

Let’s move towards these beautiful and colourful curves… Action: someone upsets you. Reaction: What else is possible here? Maybe he/she was hurt? Do you know that hurt people, hurt other people? What is my responsibility here? What else can I choose?

Have you dropped your judgments and your points of view yet?

The trees don’t say, “I’m not going to give you any oranges because you’re a jerk.” They say, “Okay, you’re a jerk. Here are some oranges. Maybe these will help you out.”

Gary Douglas, Access Consciousness (

Become your own inspiration for a different reality. A new world is created one step at a time. One different decision at a time. You are the only person who can get over your own limitations and open up to a world where the word POSSIBLE becomes possible.

To end this blog, I would like to share with you of my favourite questions from Access Consciousness, that may, if you let it, open up space and allow you to continuously create something new:

What would you have to acknowledge about you, that you’ve never acknowledged about you that if you did, would give you the ability to commit to your own life and create infinite possibilities? Everything that is times a godzillion, will you destroy and uncreate it all?

With love and light,



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